Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sorry it has taken me so long to post, I haven't had Internet :-(  I am using the free WIFI at the USO (thank you USO) now so that I can meet the demands of all of my followers (ha ha).  Well we now have some more stuff in our new place.  We splurged a little and got a futon and a new TV (Michael is so spoiled) and more importantly some groceries.  I was so tired of eating fast food for every meal of every day, it is nice to finally have something that doesn't send me rushing to the bathroom within the hour (too much information, I know).  I did forget thought that what comes with home cooked meals is home messes. Oh well, the price I pay for a decent meal.
So, for our first meal we had quit the feast, we had steak, pasta, and asparagus.  It was tasty.  bad news, we didn't have the right converter for our George Foreman to work, good thing I bought a cast iron pan as soon as I found out that I could use one.
I am going to post some pictures of our home barely furnished and what our fridge looks like.  Warning, it looks like a few frat boys live there.  Just give us some time and it will look like real people eat there.
Side note:
I miss you all terribly, and I almost wish that I had friends here....almost, don't get too excited I'm not rushing the streets shaking hands and giving hugs begging for someone to be my friend just yet.  I'm still good with making the cats fight like UFC over some catnip.
so you can see that we are "slumming" it

 He is still having a hard time adjusting as you can tell
As you can see all the windows are fat cat approved

we frogot to bring pillows, so we had to go out and buy some

this wil be our "office"

 look at our fancy dishes (thanks Aunt Toni)
And look at our fancy pots (thanks Gma)

 We also forgot to ship utensils with our dishes and pots (things to remember for the next move)
 We did have fancy silverware though (thanks again Aunt Toni)
 How sad that we haven't been able to use it yet
 This is our guest bathroom
 There is no towel rack and the faucet only runs cold water (don't judge)
 our delicious first meal at our new home (cheese filled pasta, vodka sauce, steak and garlic asperagus)
 We also forgot to ship steak knives, or any knives for that matter
 So we had to eat like savages...still delicious though
 So I know that it doesn't look great, and there is a lot of beer and wine, and yes birth control, but I'm working on the grocery list
There is not much going on here either

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