Sunday, June 5, 2011


So I finally got off of my lazy butt and am going to post some new pictures. 
Since the last post, we have moved.  The guy that owned the building that we were staying in was going to sell it as soon as 2 people moved out...we decided not to wait on the other 2 tenants and get out.  We Moved only 2 buildings down to a much nicer place with more counterspace, a bigger bathroom, and a bigger balcony.  I don't have pictures of the apartment yet because soon after we moved here we received all of out household goods and I still haven't unpacked it all yet. the first set of pictures are from when we went to the zoo in Nurnberg, which is about an hour away.  It was really pretty big, it took us about 5 hours to see all of the animals.

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